Sunday, 29 July 2012

Just like living in Paradies

So the last piece of the puzzle has fallen into place in the last week - I have somewhere to live in Konstanz, which will come in handy.  Its called Paradies, which does noting but get my hopes up.  The photos look good, although I hope that I get on with the one person I live with - could bee a bit awkward otherwise.
The challenge is now to work out what I need to take and see which bits I'm using for Witan in Switzerland the two weeks before.  Nice and complicated but I'm sure it'll pan out.  

Monday, 9 July 2012

Konstanz Calling

So I got my confirmation today - by email!  How efficient and hight tech.  It means that I now know that I was safe turning down the job at Amphenol and that hopefully I've given an opportunity to someone else.  It also means that I can start planning and organising.  I've got some more things to get straight before I can move.  Firstly some work experience, which will not only look good but fill my time, then, if I wasn't going to get enough travel and spoken German already, two weeks in Switzerland straight before I move is what I'm spending a lot of my time on at the moment.  Everything's in place now all I'm waiting on is the accommodation...

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Das Timing...

So all's well and I'm sitting here waiting for my confirmation letter from Konstanz, except...  I've been offered a job - at Amphenol in Heidelbronn, north of Stuttgart.  No interview, just an email saying they had a place and would I like it?  If they'd one that two weeks earlier it'd be fine.  Now I'm pretty sure I'm tied in so I'll have to turn it down, which is frustrating but I suppose that's life.  I just want that confirmation letter.