So the last piece of the puzzle has fallen into place in the last week - I have somewhere to live in Konstanz, which will come in handy. Its called Paradies, which does noting but get my hopes up. The photos look good, although I hope that I get on with the one person I live with - could bee a bit awkward otherwise.
The challenge is now to work out what I need to take and see which bits I'm using for Witan in Switzerland the two weeks before. Nice and complicated but I'm sure it'll pan out.
Sorry Toller fans, this blog aims to be a record of my year abroad in Germany in 2012-13, but who knows I might end up as the president of a revolutionary socialist city state.
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Monday, 9 July 2012
Konstanz Calling
So I got my confirmation today - by email! How efficient and hight tech. It means that I now know that I was safe turning down the job at Amphenol and that hopefully I've given an opportunity to someone else. It also means that I can start planning and organising. I've got some more things to get straight before I can move. Firstly some work experience, which will not only look good but fill my time, then, if I wasn't going to get enough travel and spoken German already, two weeks in Switzerland straight before I move is what I'm spending a lot of my time on at the moment. Everything's in place now all I'm waiting on is the accommodation...
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Das Timing...
So all's well and I'm sitting here waiting for my confirmation letter from Konstanz, except... I've been offered a job - at Amphenol in Heidelbronn, north of Stuttgart. No interview, just an email saying they had a place and would I like it? If they'd one that two weeks earlier it'd be fine. Now I'm pretty sure I'm tied in so I'll have to turn it down, which is frustrating but I suppose that's life. I just want that confirmation letter.