Monday, 25 June 2012

Moved the world, or it felt like it.

So after an interesting game of something like 4D tetris (shapes inside shapes, sort of inception for tetris), I've packed up, and moved out of number 45 and am back in sunny (yes, really) Penarth.  Now all the stuff I've accumulated fitted into the car, but will not it in my room, no way, no how.  Makes me wonder how on earth I'll manage getting to Konstanz with what'll probably end up being two bags.  I'll leave that as a challenge for another day, now, what to do with two dozen Worth Ranch t-shirts...

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Who uses a fax?

Well apparently if you need a Erasmus application sending off really urgently email just doesn't cut the mustard.  It makes sense actually, as most of the forms are filled in by hand so you'd only have to scan them in anyway.  So it looks like I've been accepted in principle, hopefully the 'Motivationstext' I wrote in a couple of hours this morning and didn't get checked won't put them off too much and I'll be seeing an acceptance letter in the next couple of weeks.  It was also nice to learn that I'm not the only one as in the department office (who are lovley) I waited behind someone who was doing the same for Parma and had a friend who was in the same boat (also Parma).  Now all I have to do is part with about €800... ouch. 

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Better late than never

So after a flying visit to the university yesterday and really panicking the nice man who looks after Erasmus there I was told that he would see what gave and who might have space.

Monday, 18 June 2012


So, I had the idea of recording next year's exploints and happenings on a blog partly to let other people I know get a look at what I'm doing and partly so I don't forget what I've done.  I think it will need a bit more work before I start sending links out though.