So, its been two weeks since I've written anything, which some of you may feel is not nearly a long enough gap, but despite that here goes.
Sorry Toller fans, this blog aims to be a record of my year abroad in Germany in 2012-13, but who knows I might end up as the president of a revolutionary socialist city state.
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Monday, 8 October 2012
The First Month:
So the 3rd of October marked 1 month since I
moved to Konstanz. Its been great fun,
with great people, in a great place.
Here are a few of the things I've learned:
Friday, 5 October 2012
So after my previous entry with its slightly downcast view of Oktoberfest the time came to have myself well and truly schooled in all things Oktoberfest from the one place that knows them: The Theresenweise (die Wiesn) in Munich, home of the one, the only, the original Oktoberfest. I should say now that I went for a day rather than staying overnight or through the night so my view is pretty much of the middle of the day.