So the 3rd of October marked 1 month since I
moved to Konstanz. Its been great fun,
with great people, in a great place.
Here are a few of the things I've learned:
- German banks and postal services have their issues (my PIN was due to be sent on the 2nd).
- If you go into an Irish bar the chances of finding an Irishman are about 200% (they seldom drink alone).
- The induction course was well worth it – I learned a lot (of German and other things) and had far less difficulty with setting up my life than I would have on my own.
- It probably isn't that you can’t understand his accent – no-one else on the platform at 6am can understand the very drunk man tell you about his 3 day bender either.
- Even Hungarians don’t know the alphabet in Hungarian – it’s just too long.
- Ask Google before you ask Facebook.
- The Bundesliga is more important than the Premier League. If its an Irish pub, add GAA above Bundesliga.
- You will rest on a Sunday, even if you don’t want to.
- Getting a German keyboard is a good idea (and probably would have been last year but you didn't think of it then).
- It is acceptable for German lecturers to leave you on an island.
- Estonia sounds like a great place to be into organised crime (5 minutes to open a bank account, 10 minutes to set up a business and internet voting, or so I was told).
- The Irish can and will drink you under the table, out of the door, down the street and, if you’re particularly unfortunate, into Switzerland.
- The media doesn't always lie: Germans really do hate bailing out the Greeks.
- Canadians can be generally assumed to be up for the night out/ day trip/ pie in the sky plan.
- Cyclists are like taxis: even if they don’t have right of way they do have right of way.
- There’s no place like home. The 3rd of October not only marks one month since I arrived in Germany, Tag der Deutschen Einheit (German Unity Day – the only Federal bank holiday) but also the day I flew home. A cop out maybe, but its good to be back.
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