Saturday, 10 November 2012

Political Animals Are Nocturnal

So in the time since my last blog update nothing of much importance whatsoever has happened anywhere at all.  So that's where I'm going to leave it.

Ha. You should be so lucky...

Yes, there was a small election on Tuesday night, which, as you may have guessed from the title, deprived me of a night's sleep.  It was an interesting night with people from various countries all turning out to see what would unfold several thousand miles away.  There were of course more Americans than you normally come across in a small German student flat's kitchen but that all added to the excitement. 
Now, one of the (many, nebulous) reasons for my year here is to discover how the Germans think, which was fairly easy as I'd been told weeks ago by a couple of people "I'm going to give up on America if they elect Romney".  What was perhaps more interesting were the nuanced views of the Americans.  This was far from the "Death to the socialist" vs. "Evil women hating rich folk" that some of the media would have us believe are the only two camps in the Land of the Free at the moment.  Views ranged from being pro Obama but tinged with disappointment at the lack of movement on social policies, through liking Romney but not wanting to let his advisors into office right to "RON PAUL 2012!" (who, interestingly, was the only person to be confident of an Obama victory all night).  It was a good night, if not such a good day at uni afterwards but I realised it will probably be the last chance I get to do an election all nighter as in 4 year's time I will (hopefully) have a real job and have to be useful the following day. 

On the personal side I've realised how much English I've been speaking recently so I've been attempting to rectify it by meeting someone doing an English degree through a service run by the uni but I still feel I need to do more...

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