Friday, 14 September 2012

European Integration

So, after two years of European Studies modules, a few trips abroad and 2 weeks as a (nearly) registered German resident I've been struck by one or two things. 

The most interesting has to do with a european culture, something which many people (including yours truly) are sceptical about and which some people would dearly like to create (broadly, the EU).  Many argue that Europe is too diverse to share a culture and they have a compelling case (which the rest of the time I would probably agree with).  However, I think there are indeed things that are shared between most, if not all, european countries:
  • Italian restaurants
  • Irish Pubs
  • German Beer
There are several things that can be said about this: superficial? - maybe; indicative of how I've been spending my time? - definitely; a potential model for the EU? - well...

Those reading outside of North America will probably be aware that the EU has 3 main branches: 
  • The Commission (which writes the rules, enforces them and broadly speaking, does things), 
  • the European Parliament (oversight, approval of the Commission, occasional veto, debate and representation)
  • the Council (meetings of the ministers of the governments of the member states).  
Now equate these to the above:
  • Italian restaurants = the Council - the few getting around a table and working things out and coming to a conclusion
  • Irish Pubs = Parliament - a big group of people disagreeing loudly and frequently about what everyone else is doing and whether they agree.  Usually the biggest group wins.
  • German Beer = The Commission - everywhere, efficient, high quality with strict rules about production.
Now that sounds like a system that would work.  I'm sure Hollande and Merkel could agree over spaghetti Lady and the Tramp style and the British would be driving their kilograms of potatoes in kph if there was beer in it for them.  And the Parliament? No work needed you say? I couldn't possibly comment...

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